From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Wed, 24 Jan 1996 12:50:24 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 5 (3.1.96)
Subject: Re: EditHook and obj pointer
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Jean-Francois PIK wrote in article <>:

>   I'm using an edithook with in a StringObject class;
>   but when i'm in the hook how can I have the pointer
>   to the caller's object?
>   I need to catch the UserData from the caller's obj!
>   thank you...

Since you are a hook, you can place everything you want
in hook->h_Data. The hook structure is probably placed
best in the instance data of the subclass of MUIC_String
that you should create when building custom string gadgets.

Greetings, Stefan

From: (Jens Boenisch)
Subject: Re: Q:Hooks, MUI and dispatchers
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 00:52:00 GMT
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Status: RO

Hi joop (joop van de wege), in  on Apr 05 you wrote:

> >You have to write assembler stubs to copy the parameters from the registers
> >onto the stack and call the original functions from the examples.
> >So short ... or implement register parameters into the compiler :) ...

> Thats what HookEntry is all about. It does that, have a look at the source
> from AmigaFAQ, programmers section.

No, HookEntry and the struct Hook itself ist for functions that get a hook
as parameter, not for a dispatcher of a custom BOOPSI class.

> What I want to know is do I specify HookEntry() as the dispatcher function or
> should I use HookEntry() in the dispatcher function itself??

Neither. Write your assembler-stub to push the paramters on the stack and
call your c function. YOU NEED NO HOOK !

So short ... is it so difficult to understand this ? ...
